Thursday, January 22, 2009

XStitch Alpha Hearts- For Commercial Use

Available at:

Cross stitch has never looked this pretty before! This stunning alphabet is so pretty and elegant, you'll want to use it for all your most beautiful kits! Each layer can be re-colored as you like it for so many looks! I've included the alphabet on one combined sheet and as individual files to give you more options for re-coloring and creating your own alphabet!

XStitch Alpha Hearts by Paula Yagisawa

Due to the nature of this product, I am asking for you to not package it alone as only an alphabet. You may use as an entire alphabet included in a kit or you may use for creating wordart. This applies to both freebies and kits for sale. Thanks!

26 letters on one sheet in .psd format
26 letters on one sheet in four .png files (one for each layer)
Each of the 26 letters is also included as an individual .psd file.

Instruction file included:
XStitch Alpha Heart Instruction File

Sample layout by Lorraine:
Sweetheart by Lorraine

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